🗣 “Hey Alexa, why can’t I stick to my workout program?” 🙇🏼‍♀️⁣

If you’ve never been able to stick to a workout program or diet before let me drop a bomb here for a minute…it’s not because you suck 😱⁣

It’s not because you’re a terrible woman, or a failure,or because you’re destined to always have a spare tire around your tummy. Nope. 🙅🏼‍♀️⁣

👉🏼 The truth? It’s because the new lifestyle habits you’re trying to build, don’t check all of these 4 boxes:⁣

1️⃣ It’s gotta be SIMPLE 👏🏼⁣

If you want to read more often, start with a small goal of reading 5-10 pages a few days per week. Once that’s easy peasy, bump it up to maybe reading 5-10 pages daily and scale upwards from there. A tiny task that fits with your schedule still moves the needle forward. 10 minutes of reading is a lot more simple to fit in your schedule than 1 hour of reading.⁣

2️⃣ It has to be OBVIOUS 🙋🏼‍♀️⁣

Instead of saying “I want to have a better relationship”, set aside a time + place to work on your relationship, ie: Saturdays at 4pm we’re going to spend at least 2 hours of quality time together and reconnecting to make our relationship stronger. Specifics are KEY--grey areas don’t produce results.⁣

3️⃣ But don’t forget; really ATTRACTIVE 😍⁣

If you’re the biggest anti-morning person on the planet--STOP telling yourself to wake up at 5:30 to hit the gym before work. If you want to make a forever change, lean in to your personality and maybe hit the gym on your lunch break, so it’s enticing instead of nightmare material. ⁣

4️⃣ And super SATISFYING 🤤⁣

Celebrate yourself when you follow through! If your goal is to live a healthier lifestyle, some do this by having cheat meals, buying new workout clothes, or my personal favorite post training--a hot bath to give my muscles some TLC. Following through is a big deal--ACT LIKE IT!⁣

Simple. Obvious. Attractive. Satisfying. Got those on lock? Then success is to follow ✨🌈☀️⁣

Why your results with Intuitive Eating never came… 📭⁣

The thing with intuitive eating is it’s like doing mental math 📝 Let me explain.⁣

If I were to ask you what’s 5x5, would you have to have to plug that into your calculator to know it’s 25? 🤔 ⁣

👉🏼 If I had to guess, you’ve long had that memorized. But you’ve also had probably 20+ years experience with basic math functions, right? 😉⁣

Or if I said “put your hair in a ponytail!” How many seconds would that take you?🤔 At this point in your life, definitely less than 10, right? It’s automatic ⏱⁣

Now think back to yourself at 8 years old, spending 10 minutes brushing your hair back, struggling to keep it smooth, get the scrunchie on your fingertips...that was exhausting 🥴⁣

So here’s my point....once upon a time, doing math and putting your hair in a ponytail was something new to you.⁣

👉🏼 And with any new skill, we have to give you time to practice it to perfect your craft. Same goes with nutrition 🤓 ESPECIALLY intuitive eating. ⁣

If you’ve spent little to no time in the last 25 years learning how much protein is in a chicken breast or how much fat is in an avocado 🥑 ...those answers aren’t just stored in your mental calculator yet 😅⁣

📲 So keeping a virtual food diary, giving yourself time to learn what’s in the food you eat and what portion sizes look like, is like learning how to do those basic math on paper 📐📝⁣

A lot of the clients I work with have intuitive eating as their overall goal long term 🥳⁣

It’s appealing, right? 😍 No tracking, no logging, having the body you want, but all because you have the tools and you KNOW how to use them 👏🏼⁣

👉🏼 So to get to where intuitive eating is as easy as slinging your hair in a ponytail, we have to practice the basics ❤️ (which is where I come in 🙋🏼‍♀️ and teach you the way to make this your reality 🙏🏼 Reach out to me for more info to get started 💌)⁣

👱🏼‍♀️ Do you remember the first time you learned how to do your hair? I used to use HAIR GEL (🤯) to slick my hair down and then into a low ponytail 🤣

Gymming? Yes ✅ Progressing? Eh….🥴⁣

Maybe you’re...⁣
😶 walking into the gym and using whatever random machines are open. ⁣
😬 doing the same routine every single day.⁣
😥 just float around for 45 minutes so you can check it off your to-do list for the day. ⁣

🗣 If that sounds like you, I’m going to be the bad guy and tell you the truth; that’s a huge waste of your time. ⁣

👉🏼 Muscles grow best with CONSISTENCY not confusion like a lot of group fitness structures make it seem. ⁣

I’m of the tribe that believes your workouts should be fun, effective but ultimately give you the physical change that you’re looking for ✨⁣

I know it’s so much fun to have a different workout every single time you’re in the gym, but you want to know what’s even more fun? 😏⁣

Getting dope results 🔥⁣

👉🏼 So I compiled some of my best tips for you to be able to craft your own workout program to be able to deliver on exactly what you need: ⁣

🗓 Once you know what your goal is and what equipment you have, then go through and make it fit your schedule. ⁣

🏋🏼‍♂️ 3-5x per week anywhere from 30-60 minutes of training is a great place to start. NEVER skip your rest days.⁣

🔑 The key with an effective training program is to train every muscle group at least 1-2x per week and implement compound movements (squat, deadlift, OHP, bench) every workout.⁣

🎉 Choose movements you can execute effectively and safely and create a solid foundation for yourself.⁣

📈Track what weights you’re using throughout your program and push the envelope each week (even if it’s only 1 or 5lbs!) to continue to get stronger. ⁣

🔄 Switch things up when your progress starts to plateau (reason #1why you should be tracking your workouts + weights/reps!) But sticking to the same plan for at least 4 weeks is a must to see your progress.⁣

👉🏼 What other questions do you have over writing your own program? DM me or drop them below and I got you 🥳

🙋🏼‍♀️ Raise your hand if you gained 25lbs of relationship weight since being with your S.O.⁣

I went from a size 0 and tank tops to baggy shirts and leggings while saying “don’t touch my stomach, I just ate” real quick 🤰🏼⁣

Started with the shared appetizers, then Starbucks dates, to ice cream, and cooking together...we were having a great time...the last thing I was thinking about was calories 🍔🍦⁣

But then I realized that this weight gain train wasn’t stopping anytime soon, I was 3 years in and had never felt worse about myself 😞⁣

👉🏼 If this sounds like you, maybe you….⁣

...used to hit the gym after work and crank out a saturday morning sweat sesh but now that’s been traded for watching shows together after a long day and sleeping in late on the weekends 💤 ⁣

...love spending time with each other and taking on new adventures, but little by little your skinny jeans feel like they’ve been sewed tighter and you’re tugging at your shirt constantly 👖 ⁣

👉🏼 If this is hitting too close to home--here’s what you can about it:⁣

🗣 Communicate. Having a supportive S.O is a game changer, but they can’t support you if they’re left in the dark. Catch him up to speed on your goals⁣

👸🏼 Be the leader. Don’t let date night stress you out! Choose an option that fits what you need and go in being able to be present. (If making a choice is tough--give your partner the final say, but only give them options you’re equally pumped for)⁣

👏🏼 Be realistic. If you love Bachelor Mondays with your partner, don’t schedule a Zumba class that night. We have to make your schedule work for you, not make you feel major FOMO.⁣

⛅️ Get comfortable with being similar yet different. You’re different people, different bodies and energy needs. Get comfortable with being in tune with YOUR body! (which might mean making your own portions or swapping a side dish for veggies)⁣

👉🏼 Your health and happiness should be a priority to yourself and your partner and little changes made consistently create massive results. I mean, just look at the women at @livelitefitness 😉⁣

🌄 Comment down below and tell me...did being in a relationship change your eating habits too? 👇🏼

So what if I’m NOT the right coach for you?⁣😶⁣

Last week I talked on stories about how to choose your coach. What you should be looking for, the vibe, etc. And I said something that got my DM’s rolling almost immediately:⁣⁣
When we talk about the coaching process, protocols, programming, etc. something to note is that when we’re looking at evidence and science based coaches....a lot of this looks similar 🤯⁣
👉🏼Weight lifting to build muscle and create shape. ⁣⁣
👉🏼Monitor intake and make sure we’re in a calorie deficit, maintenance or surplus. ⁣⁣
👉🏼Build daily habits like tracking, movement, sleep, water and stress management. ⁣⁣
👉🏼Check in on a regular basis while we measure progress and data various ways. ⁣⁣
We use what sticks because science tells us how to create the results you want, and we implement accordingly 👏🏼 There’s a lot of overlap.⁣⁣
But with that being said, how I operate, who I help, my process, my implementation, my vibe, my approach...won’t fit well with every person.⁣⁣
I’m going to make one thing clear: I am not the perfect coach for everyone...and I don’t want to be.⁣❤️⁣
Before I take on any client, they’ve filled out an application and we’ve talked at length about what they need over Zoom before they potentially get offered a spot to move forward. ⁣⁣
I’m talking injuries, full diet history, medical conditions, limitations, goals, what’s working/what’s not, goals, struggles on top of them fitting the vibe of my team and us clicking on a personal level.⁣⁣
And most importantly...I need to be certain I can help them. ⁣⁣
And if I can’t? I connect them with another incredible coach who can. ⁣⁣
The thing with coaching is that it’s not about us. Never has been. ⁣‼️⁣
We win when educated dieters are formed and when we help people achieve their goals. 🏆 ⁣
We lose when our ego gets in the way of helping others. 💔⁣
It’s not about having a chicken fight between professionals 🐓⁣
We’re all working together to help make a change in this world 🌎⁣
So if you need some help and I’m not the coach for you, I’ve tagged some incredible coaches above that I wholeheartedly trust ❤️ Not sure what you need? DM me 📩

“‘Cause I want it all….or nothing at alllllll….” 🎙 ⁣

Anyone automatically get sent back in time when they hear this song? 🤣⁣

The All or Nothing mindset. Let’s talk about it. ⁣

It’s easy to write off “labeling” yourself when it comes to what your mindset looks like. (who actually likes labels these days?🙇🏼‍♀️)⁣

👉🏼 But if these phrases are circling in your head and have you fighting between totally on board, jumping ship, restriction, guilt and quitting when something doesn’t go perfectly, that’s what falls into this category. ⁣

I would say most people have struggled with this mindset in their journey at some point, if they’re not currently in it, even myself 🙋🏼‍♀️⁣

You’re either “living your best life” and “yolo-ing” OR you’re “on a diet” and “on a health kick” ...never the twain shall meet, eh? 😶⁣

The thing about this mindset that is you’re doomed to let yourself down 😰 You think if things don’t go perfectly, then why try. (but since when has life been perfect?) ⁣

👉🏼 In my experience working with clients, this mindset usually stems from one of two fears: fear of failure or fear of success. Sometimes both. ⁣

Either of which causes you to be stagnant and make no real lasting progress. Which is why often times women who struggle with this mentality, get stuck in the “yo-yo” cycle (you know the one) 🪀 ⁣

So if this is you, here’s what you can do:⁣

✅ DO: focus on your strengths, understand setbacks happen and always look for the positive⁣

❌ DON’T: focus on slips ups, make yourself feel guilty for being human, and strike the words “never” and “nothing” from your vocabulary. ⁣

If you’re struggling with this, know you don’t have to 🤟🏼 DM me “support” and let’s set you up for successful journey you love instead of a doomed to fail journey you resent✨🌈

What do you get when you mix fried chicken, french fries and a bundt cake together? 🍰⁣

My dinner last night 🤣⁣

One of the pieces of feedback I receive from you all is that you love that I show you the authentic side of a real life and sustainable fitness journey. ⁣

And for me last night? My balance was eating fried chicken and going over macros 🤷🏼‍♀️⁣

👉🏼 I ate more food than I planned. ⁣
👉🏼 I feel bloated. ⁣
👉🏼 My digestion is off. ⁣
👉🏼 The scale is up. ⁣
👉🏼 I didn’t eat enough protein. ⁣

…..and it’s totally fine. Like seriously if you went a little overboard last night too--you’re okay. Promise. 🤟🏼 ⁣

👉🏼 If you’re not a felon after getting a parking ticket, you’re not a failure after one meal ❕⁣

One of my most quoted quotes of all time is: “we’re a product of what we do most often”, which my 1:1 clients hear allllll the time 👏🏼⁣

Being on a fitness journey doesn’t mean you have to be 100% fitness 100% of the time, even for me--and fitness is my full time job 😱⁣

The way I see it, your fitness journey should feel exciting, fun, challenging but ultimately something that improves your life ❤️⁣

So instead of:⁣
Adding 30 minutes of cardio on after my intense workout 🥵⁣
Going on a run to burn off the cake 🍰 ⁣
Missing meals to “make up” for yesterday 😰⁣
Drinking all the coffee I can find ☕️ ⁣

Today I will be:⁣
Going all out on my lift 🏋🏼‍♂️⁣
Hitting my step goal 🏃‍♀️ ⁣
Eating my fruits and veggies 🍉🥬⁣
Drinking my gallon of water 💦 ⁣

And loving the balance and peace I have in my fitness journey and life 🙏🏼 I can help you find this balance too 💌 DM me “balance” and let’s chat ❤️🌈✨

What’s your best shot at beating gymtimidation? ⁣

Being educated 🤓📚⁣

One of the main goals my clients have when we start working together is to be more knowledgeable.⁣

👑 To feel confident at the gym, with their form and KNOW they know what they’re doing and how to keep injuries at bay 👏🏼⁣

At @livelitefitness, we combat gymtimidation by making you feel prepared and confident going into your sweat sesh so it’s smooth sailing during your workout ⛵️⁣

With their training program, my clients tell me:⁣
🌱 if they’re using a home gym set up or have a gym membership⁣
🌱 how many sessions per week they can train⁣
🌱 how much time they can spend training each session⁣
🌱 if they have any injuries or limitations⁣
🌱 what their experience level is⁣
🌱 what their goal is⁣

👉🏼Once I have the answers to those questions, that’s where the magic happens and I get busy behind my computer screen crafting something special for that client and then build it into their profile in our private Team LF 1:1 client app 📲⁣

*swipe to see what it looks like for the LF ladies when they access their plan* ✨⁣

Through every workout they have a place to log their weight, sets, reps to make sure we’re improving, rate the workout on a scale of 1-10 and then leave any additional comments they want 😍⁣

Need a refresher on form? Reminder of how to set up? Forget what the movement is?⁣

The answers are at your fingertips 🥳 GAME CHANGER!⁣

👉🏼 With LF 1:1 coaching your training program is on you 24/7 in the app. No stapled together papers, no spreadsheets or books that you’ll inevitably leave on your kitchen counter, WE’RE IN THE APP STORE BABY! 😍🥳👏🏼📲⁣

Seeing my clients build their confidence in the gym is an incredibly powerful transformation to be a part of 🌱⁣

That’s what I want for you 🙏🏼 if that’s what you want for yourself, LF 1:1 coaching might very well be that choice ✨ Link in my bio to apply📲

Exercise does the body good. 🏃‍♀️ ⁣

We all know that regular exercise makes our muscles big and strong, ups our endurance and tremendously helps us on a journey to live a healthier and happier life 🌈⁣

As if that’s not good enough, there’s even more internal benefits than physical benefits 🤓⁣

There have even been studies to show that exercise can treat mild-moderate depression as effectively as antidepressant medication, but without the side effects of course, and is a natural but effective anti-anxiety treatment as well 🙏🏼⁣

(I am not condoning coming off of needed and prescribed medication, but sharing what I’ve learned through research on this subject ❤️)⁣

Exercise also releases endorphins in our brain to help our muscles relax and relieve tension in our body, helping to reduce muscle tension pain 🙌🏼⁣


More good days, less stress, lower anxiety AND feeling proud of my body?! SIGN ME UPPPP⁣

Keep in mind, you don’t have to suffer through movement to get these benefits from moving your body ⛅️⁣

👉🏼 You don’t have to do OTF, bootcamp, or 40 miles on the peloton every day to reap these rewards. ⁣

Mild to moderate movement for even 30 minutes several times a week can create a HUGE impact!👏🏼⁣

This can be taking walks around your neighborhood each day, turning on a 90s style dance-step video and trotting around your living room or even rollerblading outside 🌳🍃⁣

And when building any new habit, the most important thing we can do it make it fun and enticing, so we look forward to it every dang day 🥳⁣

🌤🌈 Who here has gotten their move on today? Or is today your rest day? Tell me below 👇🏼⁣

“I was the meanest version of myself when I was uncomfortable in my body”⁣

Who else can relate to this? ⁣🥴🙋🏼‍♀️

I was on a Zoom call with a new client earlier this week when I said this. ⁣👆🏼

📲 On new client calls, the main purpose is to see if we vibe, get along and to make sure we’re both excited about moving forward in our new partnership together. ⁣

The conversation between each call varies a lot, but on this specific call we got on the topic of how being unhappy with ourselves can bleed into all other aspects of our life, when I said this. ⁣

Before I started my weight loss journey, I was the meanest girl I’ve ever been. ⁣

I was hypercritical of everything and everyone, always looking for flaws in anyone I was around. ⁣

If it wasn’t mumbled under my breath, said in a joking-but-serious way to my friends it was my in my head without a doubt. ⁣

Someone wearing a crop top? *I made a rude comment*
Someone posting photos on the gram that someone else took of them? *Sent in the group chat*
Girl at the gym wearing only a sports bra and leggings? *🙄 REALLY? ⁣🙄*

Looking back at this time in my life, it’s easy for me now to see how I was picking on confident women because that’s what I wanted to be, and not at all what I was 💔

Everything I picked on everyone else for was really just me being insecure and projecting my feelings. But old me never realized that.⁣

I didn’t know when I started focusing on myself and my journey that my mindset would shift on the level that I would be seeing those same women in crop tops, sports bras, girls having photo shoots on the gram and then HYPE THEM UP!!! And then do everything that I used to judge others for 🤪 #growth

👉🏼 So if you’re judgemental and critical of others like I was, ask yourself why.⁣

Why does it bother you so much? If you don’t like the answer? GOOD 👏🏼

Now go do something about it.

I’ve always said and I’ll continue to say that on your fitness journey we focus on physical transformation, but when done correctly you’ll transform your mind in the process⛅️

Your body is a tool. Use it to make you be the best YOU that the planet has ever seen🌎