Your "diet" is actually making you gain weight.

The story goes like this…

You poured so much time and energy and sacrificed your social life. You were fully committed, totally adhered to the plan, and lost a TON of weight because of it! You did it! Now you feel happy to buy new clothes and excited to look in the mirror every day because of your progress.

But what happens when the diet is over? You start eating normally again, treat yourself to the morning donut, start going to happy hour with your friends again, you start LIVING YOUR LIFE again.

So, the scale goes up. You gain the weight back. You feel like that was just a huge waste of time. So now you’re back where you started, but this time you’re even more frustrated than before.

So then you start this new, BETTER diet, so that you can really lose the weight this time.

When the diet ends, you go back to eating normally again, since you’ve deprived yourself of all of your favorite foods. Then, just like that, the scale goes back up again and you’re now in the cycle of yo-yo dieting. Crap.

Sister, if this is you, don’t stress out - THIS IS EVERYONE.

These “quick fixes” don’t give sustainable results.


Because they don’t teach out about how to balance. You don’t learn about building a lifestyle. They’re designed to get the weight OFF, but what about after? What happens once you’ve list the weight? You rebound because they didn’t teach you anything.

Instead of wasting your time bouncing back and forth from weight loss to weight gain on these fad diets, spend your time building a healthy lifestyle that created results without restriction.

You only get ONE BODY! In my 1:1 coaching the focus is on education. Teaching you how to eat, how to train, and how to LIVE while we work together, so after coaching you have a foundation of knowledge for a lifetime.

I choose food freedom and a sustainable lifestyle and I can help you choose that too.