I hate cleaning the bathroom.

I hate the smell of bleach.

I hate how Lysol wipes make my fingertips feel.

I hate using windex on the mirror only to pick off pieces of paper towel for eternity.

I especially hate trying to monkey around my bathtub as a 5’2’’ human and scrub the tile surround.

…also the smells of cleaner make my head want to explode.

Cleaning the bathroom (in my mind) = obligation.

I do it because it needs to be cleaned.

I do it because I want to give company a clean toilet to sit on.

I do it because I HAVE to.

But what if I could actually enjoy cleaning the bathroom?

The Lysol wipes? The windex? The monkeying around? The smell of bleach?

The reality of this situation is that I could, just by switching my language.

Shifting the “HAVE TO” to a “GET TO.” From obligation to opportunity.

Because the reality of it is - both are true.

I HAVE TO clean the bathroom but I also GET TO take care of the place I call home.

I HAVE TO pay bills to keep our lights on but I also GET TO pay bills because I have a successful career and a roof over my head which allows me to provide for my family.

I HAVE TO lift weights to change by body composition but I also GET the opportunity to change something I might not otherwise love about myself.

I HAD TO monitor my food intake while I learned about nutrition but I also GET TO utilize a system, that is proven by science, to create incredible results, and the transformation I desired with no food off limits.

The thing is: how we look at our life often determines how we feel about our life.

If things are happening in spite of us or in support of us.

What do you GET TO do today?