Here's my morning routine!

If you’ve followed my journey for a while, you’ve slowly watched me shift from night owl to early morning riser and how I’ve made + stuck to the AM schedule.

My secret? Doing stuff I really like first thing in the morning.

Write my power list + schedule.
Play guitar.

Allllllllll of my favorite things are now on my to do list in the morning.

And if I hit snooze? I’m sacrificing all of my activities that fill my cup.

Arranging my day like this gives me a massive incentive to leap out of bed at 6:30 in the morning, when I otherwise would rather stay awake until the wee hours of the morning by nature.

This shift has been great for me to keep a better schedule this year, but it’s also been incredible to shift myself and my wants + needs to be the first priority of my day.

I shifted my day to align with myself, how I feel, my growth, and productivity levels to be my highest priority tasks.

Therefore - I do them first.

And it’s awesome. For myself, my marriage, my family, clients, business, everything.

When we build the habit of taking care of US first thing in the morning, it creates a domino effect throughout our day.

We’re telling the whole world that we’re worth being a priority and worthy of setting aside a sacred time for us to have our wants and needs met.

That is some HIGHEST SELf energy to be sending out in the first hour of your day!

What’s a non-negotiable in your day?