💰 Where Did $20,280 Of My Health, Fitness + Business Investments Go?⁣ 👀 💰⁣

I’ve never showed these numbers to the internet before…⁣

A few years back I hired my first online macro coach. $200/mo⁣
Then I invested in a group coaching program. $7,000.⁣
Next came my 1:1 coaching support. $10,000. ⁣

$20,280 is how much money I’ve invested in myself to date.⁣

This isn’t counting any certifications, programs, continuing education, events or lectures I’ve attended to learn even more than my courses and experience taught me. ⁣

This isn’t counting all of the sciences and Anatomy + Physiology courses I took in college. This is straight up coaching. ⁣

The amount of money that I’ve invested in myself is more money than I made some years working a part time job while in school. ⁣

I know what it feels like to have your stomach dropping investments.⁣

The result? The more money I had on the line, the bigger the payoff was. Every. Single. Time.⁣

Even with some courses or coaching wasn’t what I thought it was going to be, the investment was in myself. It didn’t matter. ⁣

I knew I dropped a bag on my growth, so I put in the work.⁣

I had made a commitment and it made me follow through when I would’ve given up otherwise.⁣

I will never ask a client to go somewhere or do something I haven’t done. ⁣

I invest in coaching every month because I know it’s the clearest path to growth.⁣

A good coach will ask you to get uncomfortable. And then support you through it, because they’ve been in your shoes. ⁣

Investing in YOU is the most important investment you’ll ever make. ⁣

Because when you invest in yourself, you’re sending a message to the world and to yourself. That the power and potential you have is important enough to you, to give it the energy, space and time to create results. ⁣

Every. Single. Time.