
“If it wasn’t for pizza I’d be super skinny” 🍕

“If it wasn’t for pizza I’d be super skinny” 🍕 or the classic “I just love food too much”...⁣⁣
GIRL let me stop you right there. Because I can tell you how much you love food DOES NOT CORRELATE with how much you weigh.⁣⁣
Okay, but do you actually love a food enough to continue being uncomfortable in your shorts? To never put on a bathing suit because you feel squishy? Or are you just saying that it’s pizza, that it’s McDonald’s, that it’s the cheese fries, because it’s EASIER than saying it’s YOU? That YOU are actually in your own way? ⁣⁣
So let’s get this straight, you want to let something that gives you a few seconds of satisfaction (aka pizza, sugar, chips, alcohol, pick your poison) make you continually uncomfortable and embarrassed in your body?🧐⁣⁣
At the end of the day you need to decide what’s more important to YOU. And then stop complaining if your body the result of the choices you’ve made. ⁣⁣
Hear me out here:⁣⁣
What are you willing to do to get to where you want to be? Honestly? Be truthful with yourself here.⁣⁣
Are you eating kinda healthy Monday-Friday, then trashing your diet on the weekends, and training 3x a week? Awesome. Just make sure your goals AND the time table to achieve that goal, lines up. Your progress will be much slower when you’re not consistent, so don’t expect to have abs in 12 weeks.⁣⁣
Are you eating healthy 90% of the time, leaving it all in the weight room 5-6x a week? Hitting your macros day after day and being consistent? Even better. Then you should be seeing results a LOT faster than the other guy.⁣⁣
If you’ve ever heard the saying “abs are made in the kitchen” it’s 100% true. You can’t outwork a bad diet.⁣⁣ and it takes time and consistency to see those changes happen!
There is a time and a place to indulge, sample, have dessert, go for seconds, and I think that’s a huge part of enjoying your life even while dieting. (IIFYM fam wya😋)⁣⁣
But don’t blame your lack of commitment to your goal or lack of discipline on a food. You have all the power to change your life, IF you want to. ⁣⁣
Everyone loves food.

NOT everyone uses a lame cop out excuse.

So now, is it really the pizza? 🍕